Are water treatment plants essential where the consumer has multiple sources of water like Municipal, Tanker, Borewell

03.04.23 9:09 By Greentivity-OPS
Water treatment plants (WTPs) can be essential in areas where the consumer has multiple sources of water such as municipal, tanker, and borewell water. Each of these sources of water may have different quality characteristics and potential contaminants. 
1. Municipal water: Municipal water is usually treated at a large-scale water treatment facility, but it can still contain contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and dissolved minerals. A WTP can help to remove these contaminants and improve the overall quality of the water. 

2. Tanker water: Tanker water is often sourced from wells or surface water, and it may not be treated at all. It can contain a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and dissolved minerals. A WTP can help to remove these contaminants and make the water safe for consumption. 

3. Borewell water: Borewell water is often high in dissolved minerals and can be considered as hard water. These minerals can cause damage to appliances and plumbing. A WTP can help to remove these minerals and make the water softer. 

Having a WTP in place can ensure that the water you are using is safe for consumption and other purposes. It can also help to extend the lifespan of appliances and plumbing by removing the dissolved minerals that can cause damage. It can also help to improve the taste and odour of the water. 

In summary, water treatment plants can be essential in areas where the consumer has multiple sources of water such as municipal, tanker, and borewell water. Each of these sources of water may have different quality characteristics and potential contaminants, a WTP can help to ensure that the water is safe for consumption and remove the dissolved minerals that can cause damage to appliances and plumbing. It can also help to improve the taste and odour of the water. 

Greentivity Enviro Solutions provides end to end solutions in the Water and Wastewater Treatment Space for Residential, Industrial, Corporate and Municipal Segments and is known to do things differently. To understand the difference between us and the rest we suggest that you visit the facilities we Operate and Maintain to understand first hand. We look forward to connecting with you at
