Hiring an untrained and unprofessional vendor to operate and maintain a STP - sewage treatment plant can have a number of pros and cons

21.11.23 7:52 By Greentivity-OPS
Hiring an untrained and unprofessional vendor to operate and maintain a sewage treatment plant can have a number of pros and cons. Some of the potential pros include:
  • Lower costs: An untrained and unprofessional vendor may be willing to work for a lower rate than a trained and professional vendor, which could save the community or property owner money in the short term.
  • Availability: An untrained vendor may be more readily available and able to start work on the project more quickly than a professional vendor.
      However, there are also significant cons to hiring an untrained and unprofessional vendor to operate and maintain a sewage treatment plant, including:
  • Lack of expertise: An untrained vendor may not have the knowledge, skills, and experience required to properly operate and maintain a sewage treatment plant, which could result in equipment failure, system malfunctions, and other problems that can lead to costly repairs and penalties for non-compliance.
  • Safety hazards: An untrained vendor may not have the knowledge and skills to recognise and address safety hazards, which can put the workers and the community at risk.
  • Non-compliance with regulations: An untrained vendor may not be aware of, or may choose to ignore, the regulations and standards that sewage treatment plants must adhere to, resulting in penalties and fines.
  • Environmental hazards: An untrained vendor may not have the knowledge and skills to properly dispose of the waste water and sludge, which can cause environmental hazards and can be non-compliant with regulations.
  • Lack of transparency: An untrained vendor may not be able to provide clear and accurate reports of the operations, which can make it difficult to identify issues and make informed decisions.
  • Limited reliability: An untrained vendor may not be able to address issues promptly or may not have the technical capabilities to diagnose and fix certain problems which can lead to unexpected downtime and costly repairs.

In summary, while hiring an untrained and unprofessional vendor to operate & Maintain your STP - Sewage Treatment Plant may save money in the short term, it could result in a host of problems that can ultimately be more costly and dangerous in the long term. It's generally recommended to hire a trained and professional vendor with the necessary licenses, certifications and knowledge to operate and maintain a sewage treatment plant efficiently and in compliance with regulations.

Greentivity Enviro Solutions is a company that provides wastewater and sewage treatment solutions. It was founded to tackle the challenge of updating sewage and water treatment plants (STPs and WTPs) to meet current compliance standards. The company offers a range of services, including conceptualisation, design, engineering, consulting, performance audits, construction, renovation, upgrade, operation and maintenance, building management systems, automation, installation, and commissioning. 

Greentivity Enviro Solutions works with Municipal facilities, Apartment complexes, Commercial and Industrial Facilities, and large independent buildings, among others. The company is brand- and vendor-neutral, and focuses on providing tailor-made solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.
Greentivity Enviro Solutions is committed to ethical behavior, compliance with all relevant laws and guidelines, and a focus on results, fairness, and transparency.
Greentivity works with Municipal facilities, Apartment complexes, Commercial & Industrial Facilities for their Sewage & Water Treatment Needs
