Why Greentivity is Focused on Operations & Maintenance of Apartment STPs?? When your founders DNA and background is Govt STPs??

07.06.24 16:33 By Greentivity-OPS

Is the question we were recently asked at a recent gathering of a few very august people and institutions in Bangalore..

As an apartment resident, you trust that your home is a safe and healthy place for you and your family. But what about the sewage treatment plant (STP) that keeps your community running smoothly by recycling your wastewater into treated water that’s used for non-potable uses like toilet flushing, gardening, car washing, floor washing & Mopping, as mandated by LAW? Are you sure it's operating efficiently and effectively to protect your health and well-being, especially that of women, children, and the elderly who are more vulnerable to health risks from improperly treated water?

Greentivity Enviro Solutions understands the importance of proper operations and maintenance (O&M) of STPs for the health and safety of apartment residents and their families. After all our founders are apartment dwellers first and then social/cleantech entrepreneurs. In this blog, we will explore why Greentivity is focused on the operations and maintenance of apartment STPs.

Importance of Proper Operations and Maintenance

Proper O&M is crucial for ensuring the long-term efficiency and sustainability of sewage treatment plants. Key aspects include:

  • Regular Monitoring and Performance Evaluation: Continuous assessment to ensure optimal functioning.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Proactive measures to prevent malfunctions.
  • Training and Skill Development: Equipping staff with necessary skills for effective management.
  • Energy Efficiency Measures: Reducing energy consumption and operational costs.
  • Resource Recovery and Reuse: Enhancing sustainability through recycling and reuse.
  • Continuous Improvement: Ongoing efforts to enhance plant performance.

These practices help optimize performance, minimize energy consumption, reduce operational costs, and mitigate environmental impacts.

Health Risks from Improperly Treated STP Water

Exposure to improperly treated water can pose significant health risks, particularly to women, children, and the elderly:

  • Women: Women are prone to UTI’s and other related issues, especially pregnant women, are at risk of exposure to harmful pathogens and chemicals that can affect reproductive health and cause complications during pregnancy.
  • Children: Children are more susceptible to waterborne diseases, which can lead to severe gastrointestinal issues, dehydration, and other health complications.
  • Elderly: The elderly often have weakened immune systems, making them more vulnerable to infections and diseases from contaminated water.

Challenges in Apartment Complexes

Apartment complexes often face unique challenges in managing their STPs:

  • Lack of Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance leads to equipment wear, system malfunctions, and poor performance.
  • Improper Design and Installation: Inefficiencies and performance issues arise from poorly designed and installed plants.
  • Non-Compliance with Regulations: Improper permits and non-compliance can result in fines and penalties.
  • Limited Technical Capabilities: Many apartment communities lack the technical expertise to properly manage their STPs.
  • Overloading: Overpopulation can overload the system, causing malfunctions.
  • Power Failures: Regular power outages disrupt normal operations, leading to malfunctions.

Greentivity's Expertise

Greentivity Enviro Solutions brings extensive experience and a highly skilled team to handle even large STPs, including those in apartment complexes. Their commitment to serving Bangalore's apartments is reinforced by their focus on O&M services.

Why Greentivity for Apartment STP O&M

Greentivity offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the diverse needs of apartment complexes. Their commitment to regulatory compliance ensures environmentally conscious practices, following guidelines such as the Water Act 1974 and Pollution Control Board regulations.

Unique Value Proposition

What sets Greentivity apart is their unique value proposition. Unlike apartment associations that often lack the expertise and resources to manage STPs effectively, Greentivity has a dedicated team of environmental and STP process engineers. This expertise ensures efficient operation and regulatory compliance. Something that the unorganised STP sector in Bangalore lacks very badly.


Greentivity Enviro Solutions focuses on O&M of apartment STPs because they understand the critical importance of proper management for long-term efficiency and sustainability. Their expertise in handling large STPs and commitment to serving Bangalore's apartments make them a trusted partner. By partnering with Greentivity, apartment complexes can ensure reliable and compliant water and wastewater solutions, minimising the risk of fines and promoting a sustainable future.

Greentivity's team of skilled engineers and their extensive experience set them apart in the STP O&M market. Their knowledge in various treatment processes and compliance with stringent regulations make them the preferred partner for apartment complexes seeking reliable and efficient sewage treatment solutions. By choosing Greentivity, apartment associations receive comprehensive, tailored solutions that are both cost-effective and technology-agnostic.

Ensuring the proper operation of STPs is not just about regulatory compliance—it's about protecting the health of the most vulnerable members of the community: women, children, and the elderly. Greentivity Enviro Solutions is dedicated to providing safe and effective water treatment solutions to safeguard the well-being of all apartment residents.

www.greentivity.in - greentivity@greentivity.in
